Today's post is really special because I am going to introduce you to two of my best friends from grad school. We call ourselves Los Vatos.
When I started grad school two years ago, I was working at the university writing center as part of my assistantship. This is where I met three of the most amazing people that I know and the four of us quickly became inseparable. We used to spend all the time laughing, joking around, and having fun. I never thought that I would become so close to someone in such a short time, but now I cannot imagine what my life would be without them.
Les presento a los vatos:

Alex, Estef, y Oscar (nos falta el Ruben)
Alex is the most bad ass mother and woman I know, she is a Chicana feminist (like me), Chicano literature scholar and an emo kid at heart (forever a Killers devotee). She is the most loyal, intelligent, and beautiful human being on the planet. She teaches English and loves to spend her time reading and listening to music, pero mas que nada nos encanta chismear y comer juntas all the time.
Oscar is the film expert, Hayao Miyazaki and Vergilian scholar, Princess Poppy lover, and the funniest human to ever exist. Oscar can make you laugh when he waves at you Forrest Gump style from across the room. He teaches Beowulf because he thinks monsters are cool and he's a James Bond fan. Oscar loves free food and sharing movie trailers with everyone.
I can say without a doubt that the friendships I made during my master's program were the best part of the whole experience. I don't think you could ever underestimate how important having a support system is during grad school. There were a lot of times where anxiety, stress and impostor syndrome really made the experience difficult, and having people who understand what you are going through is really comforting.
Every day we could complain about our classes, our homework, our work, and life. They offered unconditional support, but most importantly the laughs and good times that we shared just made grad school fun. These two are some of my biggest supporters and I love them to death.
I know y'all are going to love the Vatos just as much as I do and you can expect a few blog posts from them in the future.
Los quiero Vatos