Hey! Bienvenidos
Hi everyone, my name is Estefania and I am a proud transfronteriza, chicana, feminist. I have lived at the border cities of Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua and El Paso, Texas all my life. No soy ni de aqui ni de alla, soy transfronteriza orgullosa. Recently I graduated with a Master's in Rhetoric and Writing, and I fell in love with UX and tech comm. Writing my thesis was one of the hardest and most rewarding experiences ever.
Throughout my academic and persona journey, I have also been dealing with anxiety. And let's just say the global pandemic, political climate, and job market have not helped alleviate some of the stress. While I have been going to therapy for a while now and have learned how to handle my anxiety and stress, navigating all of these new hardships we are all currently facing hasn't been easy. Pero se que no estoy sola, so I wanted to create a safe space where I can share my journey and struggles.